Tuesday, August 25, 2015

All Natural Face Wash

I have slowly been getting rid of all things toxic - if that is possible. Between all the processed food and chemically laden items we use in our lives, no wonder this world is in the state it is in. Yes, I am blaming all of that to how ugly this world is now a days - I can blame something can't I - so I will believe it is this, and not the fact that people choose to be ugly.

I have made my own shampoo, which I love, but combined with Ava Conditioner (which I also love) it makes my hair extremely weighed down and oily looking. So, I have to use one or the other. This is a work in progress. I have made my own body soap, which needs improvement but good enough to use up what I have (the scent is blah). I have also made my own deodorant, which does the trick. So, the next one on my list was face wash. Unfortunately, I have been blessed with acne prone skin at the age of 40... something, so I have not wanted to stray too far from the store bought acne wash for fear of looking more like a 15 year old (yeah right). As if the wrinkles and sagging skin weren't enough, pile on the pimples to make a woman feel beautiful.

Because of this lovely skin condition I have, I have never wanted to try the oil wash that is out there. How can oil clean skin? But, after searching the web I could not find something worth making and so I broke down, hoped for the best, and lathered up my face with oil.

All I can say - OH MY GOSH!!!! I have been using it now for a couple of weeks and you know what - it works. The acne that has been infesting my neck and jaw line for a long time now are almost, not completely, but almost gone. My face feels great. Hallelujah!!!!

So how could I not share this with the other 40 something women out there trying to find something to make their skin - better. And what better way than to eliminate all chemicals and use all natural oils. YUP - try it. Let me know how it works for you.

All Natural Oil Face Wash:
1/3 Cup Castor Oil
2/3 Olive or Sunflower Oil (I used sunflower oil)

I also added in Vitamin E, Tee Tree (good for acne), and lavender - a few drops of each.

Directions: Rub onto face, place hot wash cloth over face for a few seconds, and then clean off oil. That's it!!! Easy.

God Bless and Peace Out!!!

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